Can the classes be counted toward college credit?
SBS is not an accredited school. However, we have a relationship with an excellent accredited Christian college that would allow our credits to go towards a degree. For more information please call 302-324-5400 x217
How do I obtain textbooks for the courses?
A list of required study guides and textbooks will be available prior to the start of the course. Students can access the list by logging in to the site and selecting the list under Registrar/Bookstore. Or you may contact us at 302.324.5400 x243 to purchase books which will be mailed to you via UPS.
How long does it take to complete each course?
At our main campus we offer 1,2 & 3 credit courses. The individual courses can be 9 to 26 classes with each class lasting one hour. You may take up to three classes per week for an individual course.
How much does it cost to be a student?
There is no cost to auditing courses. The investment is minimal, $25 registration fee (first time students), $25 per tuition credit, plus additional fees for course materials.
I don’t have a degree. Can I still enroll in the School of Biblical Studies?
Yes, you may enroll in the School of Biblical Studies without having a degree.
What internet requirements do I need to take online classes?
You will need access to the internet from your computer or phone to receiving the SBS courses online.
What is the difference between audit and for-credit courses?
Audited courses are not graded and upon completion, students are not provided a Certificate of Completion.
When and Where can I access the School of Biblical Studies?
Our online classes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at